Mapping period:August 17th until September 10th 2015
Surface area:3.49 km2
Flood prone area:0.69 km2 (20%)
Population (2012 census):70,585
Total number of buildings:12,315
Buildings at risk of flooding:2,937, of which 10 are school or hospital buildings.
Description and recommendations:Buguruni’s northern boundary is formed by Msimbazi river valley, separating Buguruni from Tabata and Kigogo. This part is where Maruzuku, Kisiwani and Mivinjeni subwards are located, whereby Maruzuku and Kisiwani are the industrial areas and Mivinjeni is more of residential. These areas are most affected by flooding whereby the industrial buildings along the river valley are invaded with floods.In Mivinjeni, the part affected by flooding from the Msimbazi is mainly used for agriculture as local farmers grow vegetables and other crops there. In addition to the Msimbazi river valley, a man made drain that cuts across Mivinjeni also causes floods during rainy season, affecting the surrounding residential buildings, as the drain gets clogged with waste materials (mostly plastic bags) when it rains.For Mnyamani subward, the central part is heavily affected as the area is slightly lower than its surroundings. Consequently, water flows from surrounding areas and accumulates in the area. The area is equipped with shallow road drains and ditches, but these are incapable of sufficiently coping with heavy rains.Within Madenge and Malapa subwards, the drain on the border with Buguruni arriving from Ilala ward appears to be a major problem. Though the drain is large and well built, it is still not big enough to hold and drain water that comes from Madenge and Malapa (in Buguruni) and Mafuriko subward (in Ilala), hence dispersing water into the neighbouring parts of both Buguruni and Ilala.